
VIPCrossing Media Quiz Full Flutter App With Admin Panel

Original price was: $59.Current price is: $29.

This flutter mobile quiz app features this media web app.



This flutter mobile quiz app features this media web app. The client is growing his web users using this mobile quiz app. There is an admob earning system by shows rewarded video ads. Awesome leaderboard will show the results of all users based on total coin. 1st, 2nd, 3rd will be shown on the top especially.

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✅ No Prerequisites

✅ All In One Package

This trivia quiz gaming app will help you to feature your website or you can use it as separate app. Some special user app features are shown below

  • Leaderboard based on coin
  • Image Question
  • Text question
  • Dynamic options
  • Timer for quiz
  • Data safety, security, and data retention for a lifetime
  • FCM push notification for user engagement
  • Admob Ads integration

How It Works

At the login screen Email password, Facebook and Google login is available. Then, after logging in one time, users can play regular limited quizzes from the daily play section. For each wrong answer, a rewarded video ad will be shown and for the correct answer, 3 coins will be added. Users can get help from the website in this case 2 points will be added. Users must need to finish all quizzes to save/store his/her overall coins in the database. After finishing the daily set of quiz users can’t enter this section until new questions are uploaded. There is a leaderboard based on the user’s coin amount with name and image.

Demo App Link


V1.0 (6/7/2024)