
Prime Furniture Flutter App UI Kit

Original price was: $40.Current price is: $20.

Prime Furniture Flutter UI Kit is an app exclusively for online furniture shops.

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Prime Furniture Flutter UI Kit

Prime Furniture Flutter UI Kit is an app exclusively for online furniture shops. This app features a modern, clean, all-screen design and was developed using Flutter, ensuring a seamless experience across Android, iOS, and web platforms.
Our app has been carefully crafted to provide a user-friendly experience and advanced functionality. It is an excellent choice for anyone looking to take their online furniture stores to connect with their customers.
It offers a wide range of pre-built components, such as onboarding, login and signup, home, trending products, discover new arrivals, blockbuster deals, search and filters, categories, notifications, products, product detail page, managing cart, order tracking process, order history, payment methods, wishlist, profile, settings, languages, etc. It contains complete app templates, ready-to-use widgets, and code snippets.

Add multi-language support for English, Hindi, Arabic, German, French, and Chinese.

App Features

  • 65+ high-quality screens with user-friendly interface
  • Style guide included
  • Smoothly onboarding and login/signup
  • Home, Blockbuster deals of product, Discover new arrival product
  • Sort and filter in product
  • Cart process with delivery address, coupons, and payment methods
  • Wishlist and Reviews
  • Users manage profiles and settings options
  • Multiple languages support
  • Using GetX for state management
  • Support Android and iOS devices
  • Flexible Structure, Easy to Customise


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App Screenshot

Multiple Languages


  • Any Operating System (ie. MacOS X, Linux, Windows).
  • Any IDE with Flutter SDK installed (ie. Android Studio, VSCode, etc).
  • A basic knowledge of Flutter and Dart.

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