
Fixit | Multi Vendor On Demand, Handyman, Home service Flutter App with Admin Complete Solution

Original price was: $199.Current price is: $95.

Fixit User App is Services App. In this, users can schedule services for beauty and wellness for both men and women, as well as house maintenance and repairs including AC repair, electrician, plumber, and carpenter.



Fixit | Multi Vendor On Demand, Handyman, Home service Flutter App with Admin Complete Solution | Urbanclap Clone

Fixit User App is Services App. In this, users can schedule services for beauty and wellness for both men and women, as well as house maintenance and repairs including AC repair, electrician, plumber, and carpenter. Users can also monitor the status of their bookings and make payments for specific appointments.

The user can register, sign in, view services and details, pay online or offline, view booking lists, view provider and serviceman details, and more all from one location. With the help of this User Service app, businesses may quickly have a fully functional booking service app.

In this company or freelance can register and create services, packages and servicemen and also accept services or assign the booking to the serviceman. The provider also can check income statistics and create own timeslot

Both applications feature a robust Laravel PHP admin panel that provides extensive insights through a sophisticated admin dashboard and detailed statistics. Users can assign various roles and permissions, such as Admin, Service Provider, Serviceman, and General User roles, ensuring flexible management of access and responsibilities.

These service apps are designed to cater to a global audience with support for multiple languages and currencies. They are not only ready for immediate deployment but also highly customizable to meet specific needs. Users can choose between light and dark themes to suit their preferences.

To foster better client interaction, the apps include push notification capabilities, keeping users informed and engaged. The multi-role functionality allows for tailored experiences for each user type, enhancing operational efficiency and user satisfaction.

Demo and Credentials

Android APKs: Fixit User App   |    Fixit Provider App    |


Other Links:




Admin Web-Panel Credentials:
Admin Credentials: / 123456789
User, Provider and Serviceman Details:
User : / 123456789
Provider : / 123456789
Servicemen : / 123456789

Fixit | Multi Vendor On Demand, Handyman, Home service Flutter App with Admin Complete Solution Fixit | Multi Vendor On Demand, Handyman, Home service Flutter App with Admin Complete Solution Fixit | Multi Vendor On Demand, Handyman, Home service Flutter App with Admin Complete Solution Fixit | Multi Vendor On Demand, Handyman, Home service Flutter App with Admin Complete Solution Fixit | Multi Vendor On Demand, Handyman, Home service Flutter App with Admin Complete Solution Fixit | Multi Vendor On Demand, Handyman, Home service Flutter App with Admin Complete Solution Fixit | Multi Vendor On Demand, Handyman, Home service Flutter App with Admin Complete Solution Fixit | Multi Vendor On Demand, Handyman, Home service Flutter App with Admin Complete Solution Fixit | Multi Vendor On Demand, Handyman, Home service Flutter App with Admin Complete Solution Fixit | Multi Vendor On Demand, Handyman, Home service Flutter App with Admin Complete Solution Fixit | Multi Vendor On Demand, Handyman, Home service Flutter App with Admin Complete Solution Fixit | Multi Vendor On Demand, Handyman, Home service Flutter App with Admin Complete Solution


  • MultiLanguage support
  • MultiCurrency support
  • RTL Support
  • Dark-Light Mode
  • 1000+ Hours saved
  • Clean and Simple Code and well-documented
  • Code under 70 line
  • Easy to SetUp

Custom Integrations :

  • 1. Radius Buttons
  • 2. Card
  • 3. Snackbar
  • 4. Progress bar
  • 5. Alert
  • 6. Modal
  • 7. Loader
  • 8. Input Box
  • 9. Pull to Refresh
  • 10. Tabs
  • 11. Custom Range Slider
  • 12. Custom Charts
  • 10. Custom Date Picker
  • 11. Custom Time Picker

Flutter Widgets :

  • 1. AppBar
  • 2. Bottom Navigation Bar
  • 3. TabBar
  • 4. Custom Buttons
  • 5. PopupMenuButton
  • 6. TextFormFiled
  • 7. Image (assets, placeholder, network, catchedNetwork)
  • 8. ListView
  • 9. Divider
  • 10. ListTile
  • 11. BottomSheet
  • 12. Icons
  • 13. Charts
  • 14. Range Slider
  • 15. Animations
  • 16. Maps